What I Learned About Shooting Your (Business) Shot in the DM’s

Just like the great Tennessean philosopher Yo Gotti said, “it goes down in the DM’s!” And in the digital age networking can take many forms, but here’s a list that’s way overdue. How do I shoot my business shot on social media? Should I shoot my business shot on social media? When is the right time to do it?

As someone in entertainment who has shot and received business DM’s, I can tell you that the end result can go very right, or terribly wrong based on how you present yourself. Here are a few Do’s and Don’ts on how to properly shoot your [business] shot on social media!

Be Specific

Too many times I’ve seen DM’s that are a simple, “Yo!”, “Wassup”, or my favorite, “Hey sis!” with no follow up content. This is not how you want to slide into someone’s messages if your looking to build a mentor or business relationship. You should be intentional about what you’re looking for and you’re needs. Anything outside of that is simply a waste of time and we all know every second is precious!

Professionalism Matters

Although social media is an informal platform don’t let that fool you! When reaching out to people in your industry keep that same professional energy. Introduce yourself, give a little background on where you are career wise, and jump into your purpose for reaching out. Being professional says a lot about you and shows how serious you are about your inquiry.

Do your research

Before you reach out you should know who you’re talking to. What was their journey? How can they help you? Can you help them? Nothing looks worse than someone who has reached out without doing their homework. When you do some digging beforehand not only will it make you come across as more invested in your craft, but it could also help give you clarity on what that person can offer.

Don’t come looking to take with nothing to give

The worst type of messages almost always contain, “can you give me the contact for…” And when my peers in the entertainment industry express that sentiment, I can see why. Many people have to work, cultivate, and nurture their business relationships in order to be connected to certain people. Focus more on creating organic relationships and the contacts will come.

Look for opportunities to learn, not just “connect”

Just seeking advice goes a long way! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve reached out to people just to get nuggets of advice on how to better at my craft. If you see someone who’s killing the game ask them about their experiences, how they got started, what route they took. As a journalist out of school all I did was study the routes of my mentors. Become a student of the game! It will definitely take you far.

What has your experience been like using social media as a networking tool? Share your experience below!


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