New Year, Who Dis? Five ways to kickoff your goals with a bang!

Every year we see the same captions: “20(fill in the year) is my year!,” “This year is going to be my best chapter yet,” and my favorite, “New Year, new me.” Then life does what it does best. Throw all of our expectations and plans out of the window with curveballs, wins, losses, and roadblocks. Sticking to your goals is hard work, however, it’s not impossible! Here are five things to keep in mind if you really plan on crushing your goals in 2020. 

Write it down!

I’m a huge believer in putting my goals to pen and paper. I know we’re a tech-driven world where notes can be accessed from virtually any device, however, there is something different about physically putting your goals and ideas on paper. Every year for the last five years or so I’ve created a prayer list where I sit down in a quiet space to think and write down all of my intentions for the year. Then fold it up and tape it to my mirror not to be opened until the next year. It sounds silly to not open it up until next year, but I’ve never forgotten one thing I’ve written down. Why? Because the list is intentional and bound by constantly asking God for favor and guidance over these goals. Even if you’re not a person of faith, writing down your goals will not only help you visualize but materialize what you want for your life. If it’s an added bonus, Rihanna also writes down everything she thinks of, so boom!

Challenged, but chosen

This is a word I received a few years back during a challenging season in my life. I felt like at every turn I was running into roadblocks, plenty of no’s (which I still do), and I was super discouraged. But then I was reminded, what’s a testimony without a test? What’s a success story without challenges? Spoiler alert: There are no success stories without challenges! When you hit a roadblock this year, and you will, remember it’s all a part of the process. Keep pressing on!

Bet on yourself 

Take the leap of faith! Not just on the first day of the year, but all throughout the year. In January people are always caught up in the hype around the holidays and then fizzle out by March. I mean, we see it at the gym every single year, amirite? Don’t get caught up in the hype at the beginning of the year. Be about that action all year round!

Consistency is key!

The one thing I learned in 2019, even more so than I did in previous years, is that consistency is really key. Every person I’ve met or studied who has been successful in their respective areas has driven home the point of how important consistency is. Hammer away at whatever your goals are relentlessly! 

At the beginning of 2019, Lady Gaga dropped an incredible gem at the Oscars during her acceptance speech for Best Original Song where she reflected on her decade long career. If you know her background story you could feel every word she said. 

Lady Gaga said, “If you are at home and you are sitting on your couch and you are watching this right now, all I have to say is that this is hard work.

I’ve worked hard for a long time and it’s not about winning. What it’s about, is not giving up.

If you have a dream, fight for it. There’s a discipline for passion, it’s not about how many times you are rejected or you fall down or you’re beaten up, it’s about how many times you stand up and are brave and you keep on going.” 

If that doesn’t light some type of fire in you, I’m not sure what will!

Cut off the dead weight

This is everyone’s so-called favorite thing to do in the new year, cut ‘em off! I almost despise using the phrase now, so I call it loving people from a distance. Your time and energy are precious. Give it wisely. If your circle isn’t contributing to your growth or goals, you’ve likely outgrown them, and that’s okay. Sometimes it’s necessary to love people from a distance in order to work towards consistently achieving your goals. 

What goals are you knocking down in 2020? Share below!


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